I just have figured out an efficient way to offer online assistance to my students! It’s very exciting for me, because up until now, I’ve been helping individuals one by one, emailing back and forth and spending a LOT of time and energy on each one. It truly limited what I could do for any given person, especially the people that I feel called to help on a volunteer basis (yes, I do offer tutorial assistance to students for free if they are in financial need-email for info).
And now I think I have the answer!! I’ve set up a special site for this project: http://www.learningnook.com/mylearningnook and I’m putting the finishing touches onto the registration system. Presto! We have a full and working site where I can offer individualized help with a minimum of fuss. Clients who need assistance (or my in person clients who want some extra practice) can pay for one lesson at a time and work at their own pace. Clients in financial need can email me their circumstances and if there is space in the system, I can add them manually. Then I just assign the needed lessons and off we go!
At last I can offer online assistance at an affordable price ($10-$20 per lesson) and I can use the same system to help struggling students who may not have other resources so they can succeed as well. Help me spread the word!