10 Tips to Stick With It One More Day

Having trouble sticking with your plan to journal regularly? Here are some ideas that may help!

  1. Set up a routine. Choose a time of day that usually works, such as first thing in the morning, during coffee, or after the kids head to bed. Pick a time when you are least likely to be interrupted, and maybe develop a signal to help your family, friends, and partner understand that you are off-limits for 15-30 minutes.
  2. Make an appointment. That’s right, put it right in your calendar or your planner just as if you were meeting another person. Somehow things seem more official if they are “on the calendar.”
  3. Give yourself a reward for regularity. What would motivate you? For some, it’s a few moments of free time. For others it’s an extra bit of television or another round of a computer game. Whatever floats your boat is fine! Just promise it to yourself as a reward for journaling regularly, and then FOLLOW THROUGH!
  4. Choose your media carefully. While there are many, many ways to record your words and thoughts, there is likely to be a much more limited number of things that actually satisfy your soul as you write.  Experiment, and find out if it’s writing on computer, touch screen, or other device, or if it’s an old-fashioned pen put to quality paper, or just what.  You may find a favorite pen. It might be important to write in flowing cursive. Experiment a bit and discover how you can make the experience special each day.
  5. Pick a place. Where can you get away from it all and have a bit of privacy? Picking a consistent spot to journal is almost as important as a consistent time. Your special place should be comfortable and quiet, and as private as you can make it.
  6. Save your journals. It’s quite possible that they will include some ideas or thoughts that you will want to refer back to. It’s also possible that they can serve as reminders of how you solved problems, managed tough situations, or made it through emotionally rocky times in your life.  You never know when you’ll want further inspiration!
  7. Do some experiments. No one said that your journal always has to be written in the same style. What would happen if you tried some rhymed poetry or some haiku? You just may uncover a hidden talent.
  8. Go multimedia. Journals don’t have to be all written in words. Some people actually prefer journaling on blank paper or even graph paper so they can doodle and draw to their heart’s content. Try adding some pictures, sketches, diagrams or abstracts to your journal.
  9. Change your focus. If you’ve been writing a lot about your feelings, try including your observations. If you’ve been commenting on the world at large, shift to your inner self. It will liven up  your writing and motivate you to continue.
  10. Get inspired. Find some prompts that really speak to you. If convenience is part of your equation, try signing up for the Journaling Life email list. You’ll get a great free gift and 42 days of emailed prompts that land in your inbox just when you need them!

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