Journaling Through the Bible

file000834886879Want to be more regular in your Bible Study this coming year?  Sometimes all we need is a little boost.

Join Journaling Life as we read a chapter from Scripture each week, and offer journaling prompts to get you thinking about what you’ve read and how it applies to your life right now.  On the first Sunday of every month, a new guide to the next chapters will be posted for you to use.  There’s a suggested chapter to read for each week, and a collection of related prompts to write about.  The pace is designed to be slow and manageable, but you can work at whatever speed suits you.

It’s all very low-key and relaxed.  We even have a private Facebook group where you can get encouragement, find additional resources, and post your questions or thoughts to discuss!  I hope you’ll join us.

The first guide was posted on Sunday, January 3, but you can start at any time.  It’s a great way to keep that New Year’s resolution!  Here is the link (open to all): CLICK HERE.  The next installments will be in the membership area, so if you like it and want to continue, please sign up for the program by clicking the link below (or the one on the Genesis 1-5 page).  You’ll receive an email each time a new guide is posted, and a few special announcements and reminders to keep you on track.

Yes, I want to do the Journaling Bible Study!

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