Lenten Faith Journey

file000350180561Set Out On a Faith Journey This Year During Lent

The forty days of Lent are a time for contemplation, a time to analyze your life, and a time to deepen your relationship with God. This year, why not document the journey?  Journaling during Lent will give you incentive to sit quietly with your Lord and examine aspects of your walk with Christ.  The prompts included in the journal will guide you each day as you probe deeply into why you are who you are.

The Lenten Faith Journey Journal offers forty days of prompts with two pages to respond to each. Some are inspirational; some will require deep introspection. Some are based on quotes of faith leaders, scholars and saints and others are based on Scripture itself. All will build a firm foundation for the coming Easter celebration and your renewed commitment to God.

The Lenten Faith Journey Journal is currently in production.  Would you like to be notified of progress and special discounts for preorders? Sign up on the list below, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you.



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