All posts by Sandy

Looking for God-Incidences

Life is full of them-those moments when things happen and you think, “Wow…No way that just happened that way! It was just what was needed!”  Some people call them coincidences-things work out exactly right apparently on random chance.  But you and I both know there’s a higher power at work.  There’s no such thing as random chance when God is involved.

This week (and longer if you wish!), watch for these “God-incidences.”  Where can you see God’s hand in your life and in the lives of those around you?  If you’re like me, these things happen daily and even more often.  Try making a note of them in your journal.  Write down exactly what happened and express why you believe God was behind it.  Then write a prayer of thanksgiving!

Weekly Topic Ideas-Week of January 18, 2016

I don’t know how it is where you are, but around here it’s COLD!  Thermometer was reading zero degrees this morning and is struggling to climb into the single digit range.  It’s a good morning to snuggle up under a warm blanket or afghan and write in your journal!

Starting a new journal this week?  Here are some theme ideas:

  • A weather extremes journal.  Reminisce or give live updates when the weather is doing unusual things.  These can be your own stories or your thoughts on unusual weather from other times and places.
  • A poetry journal.  Find and read a poem and then respond to it for your entry.
  • A descriptive writing journal.  Write down your best descriptions of everyday items that engage all five senses.  How vivid can you make your writing?

And if your creativity is frozen to the floor, here are some prompts that you can write about this week:

  • When was the last time you saw a face in some inanimate object?  Does that happen to you a lot?  Does it have any special meaning for you?
  • Choose a knickknack that you have in your home, and write the story of how you came into possession of it and why it’s special enough that you keep it around.
  • What type of weather do you find most soothing?  Most exciting? Most interesting? Most frightening?  How often do you experience it where you live now?
  • What was the last television show that you watched all the way through?  Why did it keep your interest? Will you watch the next in the series?
  • Look around your home and find a pile of clutter (c’mon, we all have them somewhere even if they are hidden in a little-used drawer).  What’s in the pile?  Why is it there?
  • Choose a memory from your school days and write it down.  Did this experience impact your life or was it a mundane sort of an event?  Why did the memory stick with you?
  • Describe your favorite physical sensation in the whole wide world.  How often do you get to experience it?


Journaling From Sermons

Any good pastor or preacher is trying to inspire you to take action through his or her sermon.  In order for that to happen, you have to take in the message, ponder it, and then come up with a way to act upon it.  However, many of us let the Sunday sermon go in one ear and out of the other, so to speak.

Oh, don’t get me wrong-we have the best of intentions.  We hear the message and think, “This is exactly what I needed to hear today!”  We think about the impact that the sermon will have on our lives in those few moments.  And then we head home to our daily routines, and the important message is too soon forgotten.

One way that you can keep your focus on how that sermon spoke to you is to journal about it in the week following the church service.  I’ve designed a series of prompts that you could use each week, one for each day following the service.  I intentionally did not attach weekday names to them, since I realize that not everyone hears sermons on Sunday.  Just pick right up with the beginning of the series each time you listen to a sermon, and see what happens.  Try them out, and let me know what you think!

  • The day you hear the sermon: Begin by summarizing the message that you heard.  Write it down clearly and in your own words.  Now, write a prayer asking for help to apply these truths into your life in the next few days.
  • Day 2: What Scripture passages did the pastor refer to in the sermon?  Or, if you prefer, what Scripture passages does this sermon bring to mind for you?  Note the Biblical reference and read them.  What thoughts come into your mind based on these verses?  How do they connect with or support the sermon you heard yesterday?
  • Day 3: All good sermons include some kind of a call to action.  What was the call to action in the sermon you heard the other day?  In what way does it apply to you?  What aspect of your behavior, your spiritual life, your relationships, or other part of your life will you change as a result of hearing this sermon? What can you do differently right now?
  • Day 4: What did you do differently today than yesterday as a result of hearing the sermon this week?  What difference did that change make?  Will you continue in this new direction tomorrow?  Why or why not?  Write a prayer asking for God’s guidance in this matter.
  • Day 5: What will it take to make this new change a habit in your daily life?  What steps can you take today to make this change permanent?
  • Day 6: Looking back, how have you truly grown from hearing the sermon last week?  What has changed?  Find a Scripture verse that will remind you of what you have been called to do and write it in your journal.  You can also put it on a card or note and post it somewhere that you see regularly.  Set a date to look back to examine your routines and discover if this change that you have implemented truly was permanent.


Don’t forget that we are journaling our way through Genesis, and the next installment will be posted on Sunday, January 31, 2016.  You’ll want to become a member of the group to get the prompts, so sign up today at Journaling Through the Bible.  It’s free, private and completely personal.  There’s an optional group for sharing the things you feel comfortable with, but absolutely no pressure.  Enjoy!


Weekly Topic Ideas- Jan. 11, 2016

How are you coming with that resolution to write more in your journal?  We’re heading into the second full week of the New Year, so I hope you’re still writing.  And don’t panic if you’ve missed a day.  Just pick it up again next time that you can, and keep going from there.  Your “resolution” is really a “goal,” and those can’t be “broken,” just postponed a little bit.

Starting a new journal?  Here are some ideas for themes:

  • Things you learn each day
  • Things you wish you had learned earlier
  • Consumerism-what did you buy today?

And here are some prompts for the week if you need them:

  • What connection do you feel to the natural world?
  • Choose an appliance or machine that you use regularly. What would your life be like without it?
  • Where do you like to go for peace and quiet? How often do you get to do that?
  • What is your favorite plant? Why do you like it?
  • How have you changed in the past ten years? The past twenty?
  • Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
  • What is your favorite day of the week? Why do you choose that one?

journaling the hymns

For many people, music is very, very meaningful.  This especially holds true for sacred music.  Music holds such a special place in some people’s lives that they recall music long after dementia robs them of every other conscious memory.

The hymns or other Christian songs focus on distinct aspects of our faith, and you can derive a lot of comfort from them.  They also succinctly express many of the feelings that we associate with our Christian walk.  No wonder they are so important to us!

Now put the power of hymns and sacred music behind the power of journaling, and you have an energetic combination for self-discovery.  You also have a nearly endless source of writing inspiration.  Sacred music will speak to you in different ways at different points in your life.  There is an endless supply of different songs to consider, and they are as close as your church’s hymnal or your favorite Christian radio station.

Here are some prompts that will get you started journaling the hymns:

  • What is this song saying to you today?
  • How has the meaning of this song changed for you over the years?
  • Does this song tell a story? How does the story relate to your life today?
  • Can you find a Scripture reference to go with this song? What is it? How does it expand or clarify the meaning?
  • Put the message of this song into your own words.
  • How does this song bring you closer to God?
  • Which song would you choose to share with a nonChristian friend to help him or her understand your faith?

Journaling on the Go

If your life is like mine, it’s usually pretty hectic.  Sometimes it’s hard to find the time to sit down and write in my journal like I want to.  I rush through my days, and then in a few weeks I realized that I haven’t cracked my journal in far too long.  Who knows what insights I’ve lost, what tips and tricks I will never think of again, or what memories did not get recorded?

‘One solution is to set yourself up for journaling on the go, so to speak.  We all have little corners of time when we COULD write something down, but we just don’t have the resources or tools right then.  Handle that hurdle by equipping yourself to jot down notes, thoughts or entire entries, no matter where you may be.

The old-fashioned way to accomplish this is by tucking a small notepad or a miniature journal book into your pocket, purse, tote bag or glove box of your car.  Keep a few pens there, too, so you’re not caught without a writing implement.

If you’re feeling high-tech, for most of us the answer is in our cell phones or tablets.  We almost always have these within reach, and there are some great journaling-friendly apps out there.  In fact, I did a post a while back on free iOS apps that you might want to check out (you can find it HERE).  Android and Google have similar tools, and if you’re willing to invest a little cash, all of the platforms have some pretty fancy apps that will definitely suit your needs.

Are you one who likes prompts for journaling?  Be sure to pack a few or add them to the Notes feature on your device.  That way, if your muse is having trouble keeping up with your schedule, you can still jot down a few ideas.

However you choose to outfit yourself, the next trick is to be mindful of the small corners of time that happen when you’re out and about, then choose to use some of them for journaling.

Are you a parent? Do you ever find yourself waiting to pick up a kid?  There’s a corner of time!  Got an appointment today? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who knows how to keep to a schedule.  Take advantage of that wait time and do a quick note to your journal.  Sometimes there are lags while you’re waiting for programs to begin, and sometimes you have a few free moments at work over your lunch or break time.  These can be worthwhile chunks of time to consider.

There are so many benefits to journaling!  Don’t let your busy schedule get in the way of taking advantage of them!

Weekly Topic Ideas-Jan. 4, 2016

Welcome to a brand new year!  Here are some ideas to keep you writing in the next few days:

If you’re starting a new journal or creating a new section, try:

  • Writing down places you go each day and how that impacted your life, sort of a “journey journal”
  • Make a doodle journal. Instead of writing, create a doodle that expresses your mood, your day or anything else you wish.

And here are some prompts if you want something to get you started on any particular day this week.

  • How is the weather affecting your mood today?
  • If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
  • What was the first thing you learned to cook? Do you still make it?
  • Tell about the last book you read, or the one you are reading right now.
  • What do candles make you think of?
  • Describe the taste of the water from the tap at your house.
  • What kind of animal is the best to pet? Why?

Keep writing!

Faithful Journaling: Genesis 1-5

Join me as I read through the Bible, one chapter at a time! Let’s see just how far we can go. On the first Sunday of the month, I’ll try to post a chapter-by-chapter guide, and all you’ll need to do is read one chapter each week. Let’s see how long we can keep it up together.
Let’s start with Genesis. There are five Sundays in January, so we’ll think about five chapters this month. Now, don’t worry if you didn’t start right on January 3rd; you can join us at any time!

First week: Read Genesis 1. Consider these prompts for your journal (do any, all or none!):

  • Why did God create in the order that He did?
  • Which day of Creation was the most important?
  • How does it make you feel to know that God “saw that it was very good”?

Second Week: Read Genesis 2. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • Describe Eden in your own words. Is there any place on earth today that comes close?
  • How is the story of Adam and Eve’s creation related to marriage? Have you found this to be true in your own life?
  • What would the world be like today if God still walked among us? How would that change your life and/or the lives of those around you?

Third Week: Read Genesis 3. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • Was there any way God could have prevented this event? Was there any way Eve could have? Adam? What would have changed if any of the three had responded differently?
  • What do you think would have been the most shocking change for Adam and Eve after God decreed their punishment?
  • Are you closer or farther away from the Garden of Eden than Adam and Eve were at the end of this chapter? How so and why?

Fourth Week: Read Genesis 4. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • Why did God find Abel’s sacrifice pleasing but not Cain’s?
  • How have you responded like Cain when God showed you an error in your thinking?
  • In what ways did Adam’s family follow God? In what ways did they stray? In what ways are you following God? In what ways are you straying?

Fifth Week: Read Genesis 5. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • What do you believe is the purpose of including this genealogy? What message does it have for you today?
  • What is the difference between the reference about Enoch and those of the other people listed? Why is this important? How does it affect your life today?
  • What do you make of the extremely long lifespans listed? Are they intended to be taken literally, simply literary devices, or is there a meaning hidden in the numbers? Why do you think so?

Did you enjoy this set of journaling prompts to guide you through regular Bible readings?  New sets are posted on the first Sunday of each month.   Get access to the complete set of journal prompts that have been written to date by clicking the link below:

(no need to sign up a second time, though…if you’ve already registered and have your user name and password set up, please ignore this step)

Sign Up Here

Weekly Topic Ideas-Dec. 28, 2015

The very last week of 2015!  Many of us are still on vacation, but don’t let that stop you from writing in your journal.  Some of the most precious memories are made during this time of the year, and many people have some of their most profound thoughts and greatest creativity.  Keep your pen handy, your pencil sharpened, and your notebook or tablet by your side for moments when inspiration strikes and be sure to set aside some time for intentional writing each day, as well.

If you’re starting a new journal or a new section, here are a few themes you might want to consider:

Write about your daily progress on New Year’s Resolutions.

Make a journal of recipes or craft ideas you want to try and how they turned out.

Record your activities each day, like you did when you were younger in your diary.

And here are some daily prompts in case your muse is nowhere to be found in the hustle and bustle of the week:

  • Choose a current event from today’s news and write about your thoughts on the situation.
  • Write about how you believe a person should spend the time between Christmas and New Years in an ideal world.
  • What was the most useful present you found under the tree this year? Why?
  • Which was the most thoughtful present you found under the tree this year? Why?
  • Which present are you the proudest about giving to a loved one? Why?
  • What did you (or can you) do to help someone between Christmas and New Year’s?
  • What is your most treasured memory from the week between Christmas and New Year’s this year? Describe it in detail.

Off on The Right Foot

The new year is just around the corner, and many of us are setting goals.  Does your list include a goal for your walk with God?  I hope so!  Are you set up for success, though?

I’m sure you can recall making New Year’s resolutions, and then  realizing in about March that they have sort of gone by the wayside.  We’ve all done that.  Often, the problem lies in the way that we’ve worded our intentions.

This year, try writing goals instead of resolutions. There is a difference, you know. Resolutions are a bit vague for our purposes. Usually, they express a desire to improve some aspect of your world. In this case, your resolutions might say something like, “Read my Bible more” or “Get closer to God” or even “Pray every day.”  Do your resolutions sound like these?

Goals, on the other hand, are measureable and specific. It’s easy to tell if you’re on the right track (and it’s harder to fudge!).  A goal might be worded like this:  “Read my Bible for at least 10 minutes each weekday.”  Other examples include “Try 2 new types of prayer by June” or “Write in my prayer journal at least three times a week.”  You will find that writing goals in this way gives you a clear idea of whether or not you succeeded today, and exactly where you stand. They also leave a lot more room to improve. A resolution, once broken, feels like a lost cause. A goal, on the other hand, leaves room to try again.

So try setting a few goals for the coming new year.  Here are a few ideas related to journaling:

  • Record at least three thoughts about my relationship with God each day.
  • Write down my supplications, and note the answers when they come.
  • Read a chapter from Scripture each day and write down at least one way to apply it to my life.
  • read a daily devotional passage and write a response at least four times weekly.

Happy New Year!!