Faithful Journaling: Genesis 1-5

Join me as I read through the Bible, one chapter at a time! Let’s see just how far we can go. On the first Sunday of the month, I’ll try to post a chapter-by-chapter guide, and all you’ll need to do is read one chapter each week. Let’s see how long we can keep it up together.
Let’s start with Genesis. There are five Sundays in January, so we’ll think about five chapters this month. Now, don’t worry if you didn’t start right on January 3rd; you can join us at any time!

First week: Read Genesis 1. Consider these prompts for your journal (do any, all or none!):

  • Why did God create in the order that He did?
  • Which day of Creation was the most important?
  • How does it make you feel to know that God “saw that it was very good”?

Second Week: Read Genesis 2. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • Describe Eden in your own words. Is there any place on earth today that comes close?
  • How is the story of Adam and Eve’s creation related to marriage? Have you found this to be true in your own life?
  • What would the world be like today if God still walked among us? How would that change your life and/or the lives of those around you?

Third Week: Read Genesis 3. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • Was there any way God could have prevented this event? Was there any way Eve could have? Adam? What would have changed if any of the three had responded differently?
  • What do you think would have been the most shocking change for Adam and Eve after God decreed their punishment?
  • Are you closer or farther away from the Garden of Eden than Adam and Eve were at the end of this chapter? How so and why?

Fourth Week: Read Genesis 4. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • Why did God find Abel’s sacrifice pleasing but not Cain’s?
  • How have you responded like Cain when God showed you an error in your thinking?
  • In what ways did Adam’s family follow God? In what ways did they stray? In what ways are you following God? In what ways are you straying?

Fifth Week: Read Genesis 5. Consider these prompts for your journal:

  • What do you believe is the purpose of including this genealogy? What message does it have for you today?
  • What is the difference between the reference about Enoch and those of the other people listed? Why is this important? How does it affect your life today?
  • What do you make of the extremely long lifespans listed? Are they intended to be taken literally, simply literary devices, or is there a meaning hidden in the numbers? Why do you think so?

Did you enjoy this set of journaling prompts to guide you through regular Bible readings?  New sets are posted on the first Sunday of each month.   Get access to the complete set of journal prompts that have been written to date by clicking the link below:

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