Faithful Journaling: Genesis 45-48

How are you doing with Genesis? We’re almost done!

Week 45: Read Genesis 45 and write down your thoughts about these prompts in your journal:

What explanation did Joseph give his brothers for his unexpected mercy and forgiveness?

How does this scene prefigure the role Christ took on for all of us?

How has your response been similar to that of the brothers? How has it been different?

Week 46: Read Genesis 46 and answer some or all of these questions in your journal.

What promise did Joseph make to his family when they moved to Egypt?

From your knowledge of what comes next in the Bible, how did this all work out?

Consider a time when God led you and/or your loved ones forward into the unknown, and then things seemed to go wrong.  What happened?  Why, do you think?  Where was God in all of that?

Week 47: Read Genesis 47 and consider some or all of these prompts in your journal:

Summarize the events of this chapter.

In some circles, the “Land of Goshen” is a favorite saying.  What do you think is meant by that?

What/where is your personal “Land of Goshen”? How so, and why?

Week 48: Read chapter 48 in Genesis. Answer some or all of the following questions in your journal.

What other stories from the family’s past does this story remind you of?

Why do you think Jacob/Israel did this?

How does this story relate to Jesus’ pronouncement that “the first shall be last and the last first”?


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