First Steps to Journaling for Profit

Countless authors before you have pulled it off, so it’s a cinch that you can, too.  Right?  RIGHT??  Many people dream of profiting from their journal efforts, and it is true that some do. It is a common starting point for autobiographies, some how-to books, and more.

Every single author who has published a journal started from sourceschool-93200_1920 material. Most didn’t set out to write publishable prose; the vast majority simply wrote for the joy or benefits of journaling, then found they had something of interest to others.  However, it is possible to begin journaling with profit in mind and to succeed.

So where do you stand? Have you been journaling for years, and then realized that your words might be of interest to others? Or are you just starting out and wondering what topics you could tackle in such a profound way that others would be interested in sharing your experiences?

No matter which path you believe you are taking, the very first steps involve generating content. You have to have a journal to publish a journal. If you have a journal already, you’ll need to cull through it and find the printable meat.  If you are just starting this project, you’ll need to generate content (and lots of it) quickly. So either way, the first steps to profit from your journal are to write, write and write some more, and then to sift and sort and group the entries so that they make a kind of sense.  It’s not a job for the faint-hearted, but if you set this as your goal, and then work towards it steadily, I’m positive you will succeed.

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