journaling the hymns

For many people, music is very, very meaningful.  This especially holds true for sacred music.  Music holds such a special place in some people’s lives that they recall music long after dementia robs them of every other conscious memory.

The hymns or other Christian songs focus on distinct aspects of our faith, and you can derive a lot of comfort from them.  They also succinctly express many of the feelings that we associate with our Christian walk.  No wonder they are so important to us!

Now put the power of hymns and sacred music behind the power of journaling, and you have an energetic combination for self-discovery.  You also have a nearly endless source of writing inspiration.  Sacred music will speak to you in different ways at different points in your life.  There is an endless supply of different songs to consider, and they are as close as your church’s hymnal or your favorite Christian radio station.

Here are some prompts that will get you started journaling the hymns:

  • What is this song saying to you today?
  • How has the meaning of this song changed for you over the years?
  • Does this song tell a story? How does the story relate to your life today?
  • Can you find a Scripture reference to go with this song? What is it? How does it expand or clarify the meaning?
  • Put the message of this song into your own words.
  • How does this song bring you closer to God?
  • Which song would you choose to share with a nonChristian friend to help him or her understand your faith?
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