How did it go last month? I hope you’re enjoying this slow, low-key journey through Genesis. Here’s the next installment:
Sixth Week: Read Genesis 6. Here are some prompts to consider for your journal (do any, all or none!):
- What do you think was going on in the world in the beginning of chapter 6 that grieved God so? How are things similar today? How are they different?
- What do you believe Noah did to find such favor with God? What changes will you make in your life to find similar favor?
- Describe how Noah must have felt to know he was chosen for such a job. What work is God choosing you to do? How will you respond?
Seventh Week: Read Genesis 7. Consider these prompts for your journal:
- What surprises you about this account? Did you discover anything you didn’t already know?
- Many cultures around the world have a Flood story similar to this one. The names of the main characters vary, as do the number of people selected for salvation. Why do you believe this is so?
- God saved His natural world for a reason. What will you do this week to show your appreciation of the many gifts He blesses you with?
Eighth Week: Read Genesis 8. Give some thought to these questions in your journal:
- There have been several incidents where archaeologists believed they had found physical remains of the Ark. What difference would it make in your life (if any) if this turned out to be the case? Why?
- Describe Noah’s response when God dried the Earth and released them all from the Ark. How did he show his gratitude? How will you show your gratitude this coming week for God’s salvation in your life?
- What does God’s promise in verse 22 mean to you? Write a prayer of thanksgiving for this promise.
Ninth Week: Read Genesis 9. Respond to these prompts in your journal:
- What rainbows does God place into your life? How do you respond?
- In this chapter, God restates man’s dominion over the animals and plants. How does this relate to stewardship and ecology?
- Some find the end of this chapter to be troubling. How do you feel about it? Why is this story included? What warning or admonition can you take away from it?
Watch for the next installment on the first Sunday of March!