Tag Archives: journaling the Bible

Faithful Journaling: Genesis 40-44

Please continue your journey through Genesis this month!

Week 40: Read Genesis 40 and write about some or all of these prompts in your journal:

Summarize the events of this chapter.  How do you think Joseph’s interpretation of the dreams will affect his life?

Do you set much store by the meanings of dreams? Why or why not?

Tell about the most recent dream you can recall. Look at it with an eye for messages from God. What do you see?

Week 41: Read chapter 41 and consider some or all of these questions:

How did Joseph’s imprisonment in Egypt prepare him for this moment?

What happened to Joseph because of his interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams? How did that turn out?

It’s easy to see God’s hand in events that we read about or learn about, but it’s much more difficult to tell when these things are happening to us right now. What events in your life do you believe that God will use? How do you think they might be used?

Week 42: Read Genesis 42 and share your thoughts about these questions in your journal:

Looking back, why do you think God arranged for Joseph to be taken to Egypt? What role did his brothers play in the plan?

Describe how Joseph must have felt when he recognized his brothers coming to him for help. What were his choices of responses? Why did he choose as he did?

Why do you think Joseph made the request for the brothers to bring the youngest brother back with them?

Have you ever been in a situation where you had choices about your response? How do you decide what to do?

Week 43: Read chapter 43 and consider the following questions in your journal.

Why did Jacob send the brothers back to Egypt if he was so worried about their safety?  Have you ever taken risks to take care of your family? In what ways?

Why do you think Joseph did not immediately make himself known to his brothers on their second trip?

How did Joseph treat his brothers when they arrived?

Week 44: Read Genesis 44 and consider some or all of the following questions in your journal:

What happened in this chapter? Why?

How did Joseph react? Why do you believe he would do this?

It seems like an elaborate charade. Joseph went to great lengths not only to conceal his identity, but also to bring his brothers back. When have you hatched a scheme to accomplish a goal? How did it turn out? Why?