Tag Archives: journaling tricks

Journaling on the Go

If your life is like mine, it’s usually pretty hectic.  Sometimes it’s hard to find the time to sit down and write in my journal like I want to.  I rush through my days, and then in a few weeks I realized that I haven’t cracked my journal in far too long.  Who knows what insights I’ve lost, what tips and tricks I will never think of again, or what memories did not get recorded?

‘One solution is to set yourself up for journaling on the go, so to speak.  We all have little corners of time when we COULD write something down, but we just don’t have the resources or tools right then.  Handle that hurdle by equipping yourself to jot down notes, thoughts or entire entries, no matter where you may be.

The old-fashioned way to accomplish this is by tucking a small notepad or a miniature journal book into your pocket, purse, tote bag or glove box of your car.  Keep a few pens there, too, so you’re not caught without a writing implement.

If you’re feeling high-tech, for most of us the answer is in our cell phones or tablets.  We almost always have these within reach, and there are some great journaling-friendly apps out there.  In fact, I did a post a while back on free iOS apps that you might want to check out (you can find it HERE).  Android and Google have similar tools, and if you’re willing to invest a little cash, all of the platforms have some pretty fancy apps that will definitely suit your needs.

Are you one who likes prompts for journaling?  Be sure to pack a few or add them to the Notes feature on your device.  That way, if your muse is having trouble keeping up with your schedule, you can still jot down a few ideas.

However you choose to outfit yourself, the next trick is to be mindful of the small corners of time that happen when you’re out and about, then choose to use some of them for journaling.

Are you a parent? Do you ever find yourself waiting to pick up a kid?  There’s a corner of time!  Got an appointment today? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who knows how to keep to a schedule.  Take advantage of that wait time and do a quick note to your journal.  Sometimes there are lags while you’re waiting for programs to begin, and sometimes you have a few free moments at work over your lunch or break time.  These can be worthwhile chunks of time to consider.

There are so many benefits to journaling!  Don’t let your busy schedule get in the way of taking advantage of them!