Tag Archives: prayer journal

The ABCs of Praise

Looking for a new and creative way to let the Lord know how file000350180561excited you are about knowing Him? In your journal, try the ABCs of Praise. The concept is simple: just write the alphabet down the left side of the page (use extra pages if you need to). Give yourself at least two lines so you have some room to be creative. Now, for each letter, think of a word, phrase or even a sentence that begins that way to praise the Lord.  Consider His attributes, and all he has done for you and for the world.

This simple exercise not only will expand your prayer vocabulary a bit, but it will also set you to searching for more wonderful attributes of God. It’s great for those times when your heart is so full of wonder and amazement that it’s hard to know where to begin.

But what if you have trouble with some of the tough letters? How in the world can you come up with praises for J, Q, X and Z? I’ve got a few ideas. If you need help, try these on for size: Judge, Just, Quick, Quality, and Zealous.  All of that leaves us with X, the most challenging letter of all. You could look for some obscure X word known only to Scrabble players and crossword fanatics, or you could give yourself permission to use a word that sounds like it starts with X, such as “exciting” or “exquisite.”

Best of all, when you are done, you will have a ready-made prayer of praise! Just read your list of ways to praise God out loud. You’ll want to return to it again and again, so put this one somewhere in your journal where it is easy to find.

Start a Prayer Journal


One of the many ways that journaling can be personally beneficial and fulfilling is by deepening your faith walk. A prayer journal is one way to do this. Why not give it a try?

No matter where you are in your faith walk, prayer forms an important foundation to your relationship with God. Like any relationship, this one also thrives on intimacy and communication.

There are as many ways to pray as there are people, but for most of us, prayer takes some sort of verbal form. We “talk” our prayers even if we don’t say them out loud. That means you can also write your prayers. Some of the entries in your prayer journal will be written forms of your prayers.

One important piece of a prayer journal, though, is the responses you perceive to those prayers.  In your journal, be sure to note how you feel before and after your prayer. Then, don’t forget to be watchful. If you look, you will see answers to those prayers in the days that follow. Be sure to write about those, too.

Keep it up for a few months at least. I’m confident that you will end up with a detailed record of how God is working in your life that you will find inspirational and meaningful for years to come