Tag Archives: prompts

Weekly Topic Ideas- Jan. 11, 2016

How are you coming with that resolution to write more in your journal?  We’re heading into the second full week of the New Year, so I hope you’re still writing.  And don’t panic if you’ve missed a day.  Just pick it up again next time that you can, and keep going from there.  Your “resolution” is really a “goal,” and those can’t be “broken,” just postponed a little bit.

Starting a new journal?  Here are some ideas for themes:

  • Things you learn each day
  • Things you wish you had learned earlier
  • Consumerism-what did you buy today?

And here are some prompts for the week if you need them:

  • What connection do you feel to the natural world?
  • Choose an appliance or machine that you use regularly. What would your life be like without it?
  • Where do you like to go for peace and quiet? How often do you get to do that?
  • What is your favorite plant? Why do you like it?
  • How have you changed in the past ten years? The past twenty?
  • Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
  • What is your favorite day of the week? Why do you choose that one?

Topic Ideas: Week of 11-23-15

Here are some ideas for your journal this week.

Focuses for a new journal:

  • Thanksgiving traditions
  • Your family
  • Your blessings

Journal prompts:



  • What do you remember about Thanksgiving from your childhood?
  • Which person from your family would you love to pull out of the past and celebrate with this week?
  • Have you ever shared Thanksgiving with someone who was not related to you by blood or marriage? Why or why not?
  • How important are traditional foods in your household? Why is that?
  • Have you ever helped with a community or charity Thanksgiving feast? What was that experience like for you?
  • What are your feelings about “Black Friday” and the traditional shopping spree that follows Thanksgiving?
  • How does the run-up to Christmas look to you right now? Are you excited, bored, dreading it? What will you be doing over the next four weeks?

Remember you can get a daily prompt for six weeks by signing up below:

Topic Ideas: Week of 11-16-23

Just sharing some ideas about what you could write about this week!

Starting a new journal? Try these themes:

  • Your cooking experiences
  • Your prayer life
  • Favorite family outings

Journal prompts:


Write about these if you are looking for ideas:

  • What emotions are prompted by the change from fall into winter for you?
  • What comes to mind when you see the trees without their leaves?
  • How does journaling help you?
  • If you could do any job in the world, what would you choose and why?
  • What problem would you wipe out of your life right now if you could?
  • What has been your biggest blessing this week? How so?
  • Where would you go on a vacation get-away if you could leave today?

Remember you can get a daily prompt for six weeks by signing up below: