Tag Archives: publish your journal

Share Your Experiences

old-lady-845225_1920One type of journal that has potential for publication is personal experience. Take a quick look around any book store, and you will find countless examples of personal experience stories that had their beginnings as journals.  No matter what you are going through or dealing with, there are others out there who would like to follow your story. They want to know how you handled yourself, what triumphs and challenges were a part of your story, and most of all, they want to know that they are not alone. Whether your story is an example, a warning, or something in between, it can serve as a guide and an inspiration to others.

Now, I can hear you thinking, “Who am I to share my story? Why would anyone care what I have to say?” or even, “Nothing really happens in my life; therefore no one will want to read my story.” Not so. You’re human, I suspect, and so you have valid insights into the human condition.  Here are just a few examples, but I’m sure you will think of countless others.

  • Tell about buying or selling your home. Nearly everyone is faced with a move at some point in their life, and you can be the voice of experience.
  • Describe your first year away from your parents. This is another experience that nearly everyone goes through, and your voice just may be the inspiration (or caution) that a young person might need.
  • Share your experience with a medical condition or caring for a loved one with a medical condition. This is a very common type of publish-able journal; many, many others need to know they are not the first to walk that path.
  • Tell about your religious experience. When, where and how did you become a believer? How has it impacted your life?
  • Tell the story of the birth of your child or children. Although common to the human experience, everyone goes through it for the first time, and your thoughts might be just what they need to read.  Or, if you are an adoptive parent, tell of your journey to adoption.
  • Can you share a skill or a process? If you are crafty or creative, good with wood or sewing, you can journal about your projects.

So you see, you DO have experiences to share in your journal that could turn into a publishable work.  And there’s likely an audience for it.  Now all you need to do is write it!