Tag Archives: topics

Weekly Topic Ideas-Jan. 4, 2016

Welcome to a brand new year!  Here are some ideas to keep you writing in the next few days:

If you’re starting a new journal or creating a new section, try:

  • Writing down places you go each day and how that impacted your life, sort of a “journey journal”
  • Make a doodle journal. Instead of writing, create a doodle that expresses your mood, your day or anything else you wish.

And here are some prompts if you want something to get you started on any particular day this week.

  • How is the weather affecting your mood today?
  • If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
  • What was the first thing you learned to cook? Do you still make it?
  • Tell about the last book you read, or the one you are reading right now.
  • What do candles make you think of?
  • Describe the taste of the water from the tap at your house.
  • What kind of animal is the best to pet? Why?

Keep writing!