To Edit or Not To Edit…

paper-755551_1920That is the question, isn’t it? Do you find yourself wondering how much editing you should be doing in your journal, or even how much censoring? I know I do at times.  The short answer is, edit things that you eventually intend for other people to read and get rid of the things that are only intended for your eyes alone.  Lock them up, burn them, shred them, but don’t leave them lying around for others to find (even after you’re gone).

The details of the answer lie in the reason why you are writing your journal or journals in the first place. Are you recording your life for posterity, so others will know your thoughts and daily routines?  Then by all means do a little bit of editing from time to time. Do some organizing, too. It won’t help your loved ones understand you more fully if your journals are in such disarray that no one can make heads or tails out of them.

Are you writing with an eye toward publication? Then definitely edit. Go back over your work and make sure it’s clear and readable, make sure it follows most grammar conventions, and that it has some sort of organizing theme. Chances of being published and making money from that endeavor increase if you can whittle down to a specific potential audience who would benefit from or enjoy reading your words. Journal editing doesn’t have to be nearly as formal as editing for other books, but it does need to happen.  Very few writers achieve print-worthy prose on the first try.

Are you writing to inspire someone? Edit away. Whether you want to inspire your children or those coming after you, or inspire readers around the world who are experiencing something similar to your situation, it means that you want others’ eyes on your work.  Edit so that they can get your message instead of being distracted by grammar, spelling, organizaional or other mechanical problems.

Are you writing to record your innermost thoughts, rants and raves? Writing down things that NO ONE should be reading besides you? Then no need to edit.  The larger concern is keeping your journal secure. Find a way to store your journal where there is no chance of accidental discovery.

So you see, much depends on the purpose of your writing.  But what to do if you’re not sure yet? That’s easy! Treat your journal like it’s going to be confidential until you decide otherwise.  Then when the time is right, edit, organize and prepare for publication if you wish.  You can always remove things that are too personal or embarrassing while you are cleaning up the spelling and grammar, and there’s no law that says you have to organize your journal by chronological date.  Perhaps you only want to use part of it anyway!  Just make sure that the entries that go out into the world reflect well on you and your writing skills.

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