Topic Ideas: Week of 11-23-15

Here are some ideas for your journal this week.

Focuses for a new journal:

  • Thanksgiving traditions
  • Your family
  • Your blessings

Journal prompts:



  • What do you remember about Thanksgiving from your childhood?
  • Which person from your family would you love to pull out of the past and celebrate with this week?
  • Have you ever shared Thanksgiving with someone who was not related to you by blood or marriage? Why or why not?
  • How important are traditional foods in your household? Why is that?
  • Have you ever helped with a community or charity Thanksgiving feast? What was that experience like for you?
  • What are your feelings about “Black Friday” and the traditional shopping spree that follows Thanksgiving?
  • How does the run-up to Christmas look to you right now? Are you excited, bored, dreading it? What will you be doing over the next four weeks?

Remember you can get a daily prompt for six weeks by signing up below:

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