Weekly Topic Ideas-Dec. 21, 2015

I honestly don’t know where the time goes!  Here we are, five short days away from Christmas.  Hard to believe that the local school kids are on Christmas break and my husband will be off of work for two weeks starting tomorrow.  The grown kids are arriving to celebrate, and life is about to step up to another level of hectic.  I’m sure it’s the same at your house.

But don’t forget to squeeze in time to write in your journal! If your creativity is taking a break, try some of these ideas this week.

Starting a new journal? How about a holiday life journal? You could record all of the memories and musings for each holiday this coming year.  That would be a real keepsake!  A weather journal can be fun, too. Just note the day’s weather and how it is impacting you and your family.

Here are some daily prompts:

  • Do you use a notebook, a printed journal with prompts, a computer, a tablet? Why have you chosen the type of journaling that you are doing?
  • How much time to do you spend on journaling? Do you write daily, weekly, more or less often? How does journaling help you?
  • If you could have any pet in the world, what would you choose and why?
  • Which is your favorite room in the house? Why do you like it so much?
  • Do you believe that everything in life happens for a reason, or is it a collection of random chances? How does this impact your outlook on life in general?
  • What do you do to lift your spirits when you feel down?
  • Choose a stranger that you see on the street or as you move through life today. It can even be someone you see on television or in a movie. Make up a name and a backstory for that person.
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