Weekly Topic Ideas-Dec. 7, 2015

Welcome to your weekly dose of ideas and inspiration for your journaling.  Whether you just have writer’s block today, or are starting a brand new journaling effort, you’ll find some fun ideas right here.

youth-570881_1920Looking for a journal theme? Check out these ideas:

Journal your way through a difficult life experience. You never know if your writings may help or guide someone else, and you will find great stress relief in doing so.

Journal about life with your pet.

Journal your thoughts and insights about family life.

And here are some journal prompts you could use this week (or any time):

What is your favorite food and why? Do you have some happy memories associated with it?

Describe the best Christmas you recall. What made it so special?

Who has impacted your life the most? How so?

Think of someone you really admire. Why is this person so special?

What is the most important goal in your life right now? What are you doing to realize it?

How have you changed the world? How do you want to change the world?

If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would you go and why?

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